Archive | February 2016

Tokyo Black

IMG_0938Last night I broke out the second of my Yo-Ho beers, Tokyo Black. I knew I was going to have it with a meal because I enjoy dark beers with food. While I am sure I would enjoy this beer with Japanese food I decided to go with a classic hamburger. Mostly because I’ve been craving a hamburger for a few days because I was going to have one on Friday, but ended up with Soba instead. I’m not sure if you can tell from the picture, but this hamburger is smaller than a typical American burger, because (say it with me), “Everything is smaller in Japan.” Read More…


IMG_0925 One of our big outings over winter break was to the Kinukuniya bookstore in Shinjuku. They have a very decent foreign book section and it is possible that some members of the family were more excited about this than the trip to Disneyland. I’ve been looking for a cookbook for some basic Japanese recipes and after much comparison I ended up with A Cook’s Journey to Japan by Sarah Marx Feldner. This one may not have better recipes than the cookbooks I passed over, but I liked the voice of the author. Read More…